Friday, May 13, 2005

Dear Jost,

Doctors learning about sweating disorder

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


I won't have any more use for these, so I'll give them to you now.

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This Too Shall Pass

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On my mind: Laughter

I wish I could share Dr. Weil's sentiment, but unfortunately today Bad Science closes up shop for good. In order that you might entertain each other, I have activated the comments option. Go back and relive your favorite Bad Science moments. At what point did you first come to terms with your own mortality? How often did you feel your beliefs being challenged? I'm talking specifically about your belief that old people aren't gross. Share your stories, and at the same time let the comments section reveal the embarrassing fact that my readership comprises no more than six people, three of whom are Vali. I leave you with this:

Disfiguring Eye Disease Dampens Mood

Because looking at a guy with a diseased eye certainly does kill your buzz. Thanks for coming, disfigured guy, but you totally ruined the party.

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