Friday, January 28, 2005
100 Years Ago at JAMA
Medical News
Declared Insane. -- Dr Moritz F. Wyman, after scattering $2,000 in gold and silver on a wild ride through the streets of St. Joseph, was arrested, found insane and committed to the State Hospital for the Insane, October 24.
An Award for Science. -- By Virtue of an agreement made before her death, the heart of Mrs. Mary O'Neill was awarded to Dr Henry Martin Hall, Pittsburg, by a coroner's jury, October 8.
Wine Adulterer Fined. -- A wine manufacturer of Carcassone, France, has been fined $19,500 for adultering wines with an admixture of ingredients dangerous to health.
Declared Insane. -- Dr Moritz F. Wyman, after scattering $2,000 in gold and silver on a wild ride through the streets of St. Joseph, was arrested, found insane and committed to the State Hospital for the Insane, October 24.
An Award for Science. -- By Virtue of an agreement made before her death, the heart of Mrs. Mary O'Neill was awarded to Dr Henry Martin Hall, Pittsburg, by a coroner's jury, October 8.
Wine Adulterer Fined. -- A wine manufacturer of Carcassone, France, has been fined $19,500 for adultering wines with an admixture of ingredients dangerous to health.