Monday, February 07, 2005
At Least One Person Will Be Pleased With This Post

It's probably a good idea to familiarize yourself with this man, Dr. Andrew Weil, who is renowned in the field of alternative medicine, which is where when you're sick, instead of going to a doctor, you just eat some plants or something. Maybe you have seen Dr. Andrew Weil before. He is on TV sometimes.
Here is the kind of thing you will find in his newsletter, Dr. Andrew Weil's Self-Healing:
"Rubenfeld Synergy Method. Developed by psychotherapist and bodyworker Ilana Rubenfeld, this therapy combines gentle touch and verbal dialogue to access emotions and memories stored in the body. If what clients say and what their bodies reveal don't agree (for instance, a man whose fiancee left him says he forgives her, but his back feels hard, suggesting anger), practitioners can help clients listen to their bodies' messages."
What kind of job is bodyworker? I ask because it sounds a lot like the job I have now.
p.s. Ilana Rubenfeld: spare us your life story, lady. Here is a "verbal dialogue" I wrote about you:
[Ilana Rubenfeld is bodyworking her ex-fiancee]
Ilana: Wow, yeah, your back is totally saying that you miss me and want me back.
Ex-Fiancee: How did you get into my house?