Friday, March 18, 2005

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100 Years Ago at JAMA

Infants in Sweat Shops.--About the limit in the atrocities of sweat labor is the case of a female infant, eighteen months of age, who, according to the newspapers, was discovered at sweat shop work in a tenement house. The baby rolled balls in paste for her mother to work with.
Dr. Osler as a Joker.--When Dr. Osler issued his dictum on the uselessness of the average man who has passed his fortieth and sixtieth birthday, says the Nebraska State Journal, it must have warmed his soul to see how vigorously the solemn editors took the bait and made off with it. Dr. Osler, let it be known, is an incorrigible wag. One of his previous exploits was the publication that 33 1/3 per cent. of the women students in medicine in Johns Hopkins University had married into the faculty. After the sage editors had swallowed the hook, bob and sinker, he unsmilingly came forward with the further information that there were three of these students in the university, and one of them had married a professor!
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