Wednesday, March 30, 2005
A Dose of HBOT for Your "The Bends"

Feeling unwell? Dr. Weil tells us to take a lesson from our friends, the scuba divers:
"When scuba divers surface too quickly, they can get 'the bends' or decompression sickness...the standard treatment is hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)."
You may think, "I do have the bends, but are you sure that HBOT, which involves being sealed in a chamber under increased atmospheric pressure in one of a limited number of locations throughout the U.S., is really a method of self-healing?" I admit it sounds crazy, but Dr. Weil has done his research and his defense for promoting HBOT is rigorously wrought. It begins: "I'm intrigued by anecdotal reports," and then continues with several other crazy things a doctor would never say.
Only time will tell whether HBOT will be successful in treating non-"the bends" conditions.