Tuesday, March 29, 2005
"Weil" You Were Out

For the next couple of days I will apprise you of some important medical information from the February issue of Dr. Andrew Weil's Self Healing.
As per his monthly "On my mind" feature, Dr. Weil sez: "On my mind: Persimmons."
There's more.
From the cover article "Making Sense of Scents" we learn the following information:
"In research to determine which scents boost sexual arousal, licorice, cucumber, and [creepily enough] baby powder were found to best increase blood flow to women's gen[erals]. For men, pumpkin pie was most appealing." I'll assume that in a paragraph edited out for space, Dr. Weil noted that on his "Sexiest Smells" questionnaire, "pumpkin pie" actually came in second to the popular write-in vote, "boobs."