Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It's Only Going to Get Better! (Or Worse, Depending)

In a recent NEJM there's a book review of The Status Syndrome: How Social Standing Affects Our Health and Longevity. The author, Michael Marmot, argues that, independent of wealth, successful people are healthier and live longer than people whom I will assume he describes in private as "human failures." So, congrats to successful people, then. Sounds like everything is going pretty great for you.

Also: "Marmot shows us that a health gradient even shows up among successful actors and actresses who have won Oscars and those who haven't."

Which I guess means putting up with 80 more years of Anna Paquin's bullshit.
Don't forget, there are so many places you can post comments. Like right here!

Also, please start spelling Dr. Weil's name right. It's printed correctly in like a hundred different places on this blog. Vali's comment is not one of them.
Hey Strach,

Remember when you used to be cool? Jerk.


Let's save this discussion for tomorrow when we can talk with our fists.

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