Friday, April 01, 2005


After an uncharacteristic lapse of vigilance I returned to find my sentry murdered and the awkward and unwieldy title "100 Years Ago at JAMA" surreptitiously replaced with the sleek and sexy "JAMA 100 Years Ago." Its content seems to have remained unchanged.

The Enforcement of Anti-Spitting Laws.
In several parts of the country within the last two or three weeks there has been a salutary revival of the crusade against the spitting nuisance...Before that time prosecutions for this offense were often thrown out of court and it was practically recognized as one of the rights of the citizen that he might spit when and where he pleased...Other [spitters] may be more obstinate, but an occasional arrest or fine will go a long way toward inducing reform in manners and morals...If a person needs to spit he can go to the curb and spit in the roadway. Of course, this is not the sanitary ideal, but it is at least a long step in advance toward better things. Let the good work go on.
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